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Provide arts kit to heal cancer patients emotional health

Provide arts kit to heal cancer patients emotional health

Your donations will help fund our Doolaejai art kit, which will be given to cancer patients to heal their souls while receiving their medical treatment.

Art for Cancer

บริจาคแล้ว 18%

18,906฿ ระดับที่ 2


Patients with noncommunicable illness may need mental health treatment which is often neglected because their physiological treatment is only thought to be necessary. Art for Cancer by Ireal designs ‘Doolaejai’ art kits to assist with patient mental health. Your donation will fund ‘Doolaejai’ art kits which help heal cancer patient mental state.  



Cancer patients or patients with noncommunicable illness are often neglected in their mental health care because only their physiological treatment is thought to be necessary. Those who seek mental health treatment do not have access to tools available due to high cost, unavailability, or negligence deemed as unnecessary.  

Art for Cancer Mission

Art for Cancer by Ireal designs art kits for patients with cancer or noncommunicable illnesses that are in need of mental health support.  

Accessible and cost-effective, ‘Doolaejai’ art kits provide emotional support for patients in their fight against their illness, but not limited to caretakers who may feel overwhelmed from their immense responsibility. Art for Cancer aims to provide 50 ‘Doolaejai’ art kits for patients. 

Your donation will fund  ‘Doolaejai’ art kits which help heal cancer patient mental state  

Your Impact

Every Baht of your donation via purchasing GiveCards or direct transaction goes to buy ‘Doolaejai’ art kits for patients with noncommunicable illness. 1 art kit can be used by 1 patient and takes around 3-6 months varying by their own pace. Your donation will fund ‘Doolaejai’ art kits which help heal cancer patient mental state.

More Information

Website: https://artforcancerbyireal.com/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/artforcancerbyireal

IG: https://www.instagram.com/artforcancer/

LINE: @artforcancer