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Be a part of UNICEF's global effort to help save and protect children

Be a part of UNICEF's global effort to help save and protect children

Every 750 baht gives different gifts of opportunities to build a better life for children.

Box of Life by UNICEF NextGen

บริจาคแล้ว 9%

4,500฿ ระดับที่ 1

We will be relentless in our promise to make your BOX OF LIFE reach out to children who need them most. Not just today. But every day.


UNICEF NextGen is a global UNICEF initiative which brings a diverse group of young professionals through education, advocacy, skill-sharing, networking, and fundraising to help improve the lives of vulnerable children in Thailand and worldwide.

NextGen supports UNICEF Thailand to raise awareness about children’s issues. Members will activate their peers to raise funds and find their philanthropic path along the way. They become activists on behalf of children’s rights, while simultaneously educating the world’s current leaders, emerging leaders, and influencers about humanitarian issues and how they can work to facilitate change.

The Issue

The world is facing humanitarian crises on a massive scale such as war, conflict, or pandemic. To save lives of children is considered the greatest virtue. Every day, natural disasters, pandemics as well as war, and conflicts take the lives of children in every corner of the world. Nearly 13.8 million children globally are still unvaccinated today.

The best place for a child is in the arms of mother but 2.4 million newborns take their first and last breaths in the first month of their lives resulted from preventable causes. Every second counts…

Be a part of UNICEF’s global effort to make miracles happen by donating the BOX OF LIFE to help save and protect children. Every day, UNICEF works tirelessly to deliver life-saving supplies to children where they needed the most.

How will your donation create impact?

Your 750 THB donation will give different gifts of opportunities to build a better life for children.

Opportunity… to access safe water and nutrition.

Opportunity… to receive quality healthcare.

Opportunity… to stay warm.

Opportunity… for children in Thailand to access quality education.


to protect children from deadly diseases.

❤️ First Aid Kit


Your contribution of 981 baht could provide a set of first aids kit to equip health workers in a remote part of the world better assist children and families in need.

❤️ Protect a Health Worker Kit


Your contribution of 1,263 Baht could provide a set of protective gear to protect health workers from contiguous diseases such as COVID-19.

❤️ Dignity and Hygiene Kit


Your contribution of 1,831 Baht could provide a dignity and hygiene kit for children, women, and families who live under emergency situations such as war and natural disasters.

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UNICEF warehouse, the world’s largest humanitarian warehouse: A big part of what makes UNICEF so effective in emergencies is its ability to ship supplies from its Copenhagen warehouse to anywhere in the world within 48 to 72 hours.

When an emergency does hit, the system kicks everything up a notch. Robots pull the supplies, while humans put together the kits, boxed supplies targeted to specific needs.

UNICEF as the world’s largest provider of therapeutic supplies, including ready-to-use therapeutic food has raced against time to save children in need, but our mission will be impossible WITHOUT YOU.

With your support, we will do whatever it takes to ensure children and their families get what they need to stay safe.

Every 750 THB donation, you give different gifts of opportunity to build a better life for children

❤️ Your donation amount 750฿ – OR – Specify your donation amount


Address: UNICEF Thailand, 19 Phra Atit Road, Chanasongkram, Phra Nakorn, Bangkok 10200

Email: THL-UNICEFNextGen@unicef.org

Website: https://www.unicef.org/thailand and https://www.unicef.org/thailand/nextgen