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Support Basic Needs for Orphans in Mae Sod, Tak

Support Basic Needs for Orphans in Mae Sod, Tak

Every 267 baht provide support basic needs for orphans and underprivileged children in Mae Sod, Tak for 1 month

Social Action for Children and Women (SAW)

บริจาคแล้ว 44%

132,922฿ ระดับที่ 6

About Social Action for Children and Women (SAW)

Social Action for Children and Women (SAW) was founded on June 25, 2000, to assist displaced women and orphans in desperate situations after having fled to Mae Sod, Thailand. SAW is based in Mae Sod and was established to support women and orphans through the provision of shelter, health education, rights awareness, counseling, and vocational training.

In 2008, SAW was one of 25 organizations worldwide to receive the Red Ribbon Award from the UNDP for providing outstanding HIV prevention, treatment, and education on a grassroots level.

The issue

Due to the limitation of basic necessities, there are copious orphans and displaced women who have been subjected and were subsequently rescued from human trafficking. However, housing and caring for the displaced groups has caused persistent problems as SAW only has 3 small houses for 170 children, 2 bathrooms and lacks sufficient furniture and other amenities. The older orphans act as the chief carers for the younger children, while local teachers help support and care for them in the shelter when possible. Regrettably, these orphans and women have no opportunity to raise their standard of living. 

How does the project address the issue? 

SAW runs a variety of programs including the Safe House for orphans & babies, the Women’s Crisis Center, the Health Care House; a pre-school to middle school focused facility, the Reproductive Health Program, and an Income Generation Program. Moreover, there are 150 orphans with various issues ex. disabilities, no nationality, and numerous other issues are rife throughout the displaced groups. 

Nowadays, SAW contributes the funding towards purchasing 2-acre plots of land in order to establish women & orphan’s dormitories, farms, and learning centers that will cooperatively support their basic needs, stop them from returning to human trafficking and instead improve their standard of living. 

How will your donation create impact?

Every 267 Baht donated helps 1 orphan accesses essential basic needs, education and shelter for 1 month

With more than 150 orphans who were left parentless, SAW launched the education program in response to this, allowing local teachers to act as carers managing one group of 15 people.  

Every teacher will get 4,000 baht per month and every month will sum up to a total expense of 40,000 baht.

Every orphan in the project will receive a proper education so that they can become productive people in our society. 

More information


FB : SAW Foundation