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Donation Totals

Donation amount0฿

Your donation will go towards:

Coral sanctuary and biodiversity

Coral sanctuary and biodiversity

Every 1,000 THB will support 1 non-invasive coral restoration in gulf of Thailand to create marine live diversity

Love Wildlife Foundation

Funded 14%

14,118฿ Level 2


Love Wildlife is a non-profit organization based in Thailand dedicated to protecting Southeast Asian wildlife through comprehensive initiatives in research, education, advocacy, and outreach. Our efforts extend across both marine and terrestrial ecosystems through various programs. In addition, Love Wildlife initiated the Aow Thai Marine Ecology Center (ATMEC), which conducts research and conservation projects in collaboration with the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources (DMCR). The center is stationed at Koh Mun Nai, Rayong, however work is done in different parts of the Gulf as well as, and occasionally, Andaman.



Coral reefs and reef biodiversity are at risk of decline due to a variety of factors, such as tourism, the fishing industry, and climate change.


The project aims to give coral reefs a better chance of survival despite these outside pressures. The project will help increase surface area for coral recruits (baby corals) to attach as well as restoring broken corals in need of rescuing, if found.

Divers will deploy and construct concrete structures between 400-450 kg underwater to increase surface area substrate for baby corals to naturally settle by passive restoration. This one-time deployment results in the settlement of approximately 100 corals within a time period of 12-18 months. These structures can also serve as a sanctuary for other marinelilfe and promote biodiverstiy. Additional site-appropriate structures will be deployed to support active rescue of corals when signficant damage is observed/reported. Monitoring and maintenance will be conducted periodically to increase the chances of survial as well as collect important data for coral conservation.

Your Impact

The funds will be used to cover the following costs: boat transportation, fuel, SCUBA diving team, equipment, deployment, securement tools and materials for artificial reef structures. In addition, the structures need a maintenance session to ensure stability and success within the first few weeks of deployment, as well as a monitoring of the sites 12-18 months after deployment to confirm recruitment success. Transplantation of rescued corals also need maintenance and monitoring to promote coral survival after the original transplantation. These sessions greatly improve the corals’ chance of survival.

Every 1,000 THB donated will support approximately 1 coral in the Gulf of Thailand.